can the BO plus  help to prevent deportation till I can start the ausbildung next year?
Since my wife case is still going on.
asked Sep 26, 2019 in Legal advice by MIKE 130 | 583 views

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2 Answers

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Dear @Akanadorwisdom

Thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community! 

I was not familiar with the “BO plus”, as it seems to be a regional program, which exists predominantly in Hessen, is that correct? 

But I learned now, that it is kind of a short-term vocational training (usually about 4 months), which might prepare participants for a long-term vocational training or “Ausbildung”, as far as I understood. 

In order to be safe from a deportation, one need to be enrolled in an “official” or acknowledged vocational training, which fulfills certain criteria and lasts at least two years (new regulation). 

The immigration office (Ausländerbehörde) might issue a so-called “Ausbildungsduldung” in that case. 

I am sure that it is a very good first step to absolve the BO plus, however, and as you mentioned already, it will be essential for you to make an “Ausbildung”. 

Regarding the pending Asylum case of your wife and the impact on your potential deportation, it is also very difficult to give an final answer on this. 

I read that Ausländerbehörden act very different in similar situations. It might also play a role if you entered the country together, applied for asylum at the same time or as soon as you both came to Germany etc. 

As is in your case there are many potential factors need to be considered, I can also recommend you to seek individual legal advice. You may want to visit a migration counseling office, for example. 

Please let us know if you need support in finding one in your area and don’t hesitate to get back to us with any further questions. 

All the best, 


answered Oct 3, 2019 by Meike
0 votes
Thank you very much.
I and my wife didn't come together because I was stopped at the Switzerland border and was return back to Italy,  but she told them everything thing immediately she arrived here.
I came in a month after.
Next year January I will be starting the EQ till August for the ausbildung.
Thou I don't have a passport yet.
I live in Lorsch close to Bensheim.
please how do I get to meet them for more advises and information ?
answered Oct 3, 2019 by MIKE 130
Dear @Akanadorwisdom, How about the Red Cross in Heppenheim? Are you able to get there? You can find the details on their website, including address, telephone number and open counseling hours (https://***.drk-bergstrasse.de/angebote/migration-und-integration/migrationsberatung-fuer-erwachsene-mbe.html). I hope this will help you. All the best, Meike
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