Hello.. I'm in Germany for 3.5 years and I'm working full time for last 3 years in a restaurant. My assylum is refused and I have appealed... Now I would like to know how can I bring my parents for a short visit to Germany.. my employer is ready to help me with that too.. please suggest what is the Easy way to do it. My parents are in srilanka..

Thank you
asked Sep 23, 2019 in Legal advice by Nimnas | 366 views

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Hi @Nimnas

thank you for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community! 

I looked into your question and what I could find is that your parents could probably apply for a so called "visitor" or "short term" visa (up to 90 days). They would have to apply for it a the German Embassy in Sri Lanka. They can either apply for a national visa (only for Germany) or for a Schengen-visa which allows them to travel through the Schengen-States (most of Europe). 

Via this page of the German Embassy in Sri Lanka you find all the information necessary you need as well as the application form: https://colombo.diplo.de/lk-en/service/01-visaeinreise?openAccordionId=item-1589116-4-panel 

Please keep in mind that for private visits, an invitation is usually required to confirm the purpose of the journey. In case the visitor is not able to fully cover the costs of their trip and stay in Germany a declaration of commitment has to be presented with the visa application ("Verpflichtungserklärung") - which is basically a declaration of another person living in Germany to take care of the costs. The person who sends the invite can sign it at the local authorities (Ordnungsamt or Ausländerbehörde). But there are some requirements like a legal residency in Germany and proof of enough money to cover the costs. 

Here you can find more information about the specific requirements: https://***.germany-visa.org/verpflichtungserklarungen/ 

Also be aware of the fact that the Embassy can reject the visa application - applicants are not entitled to receive a visa. 

I hope, I could help you with this information. Please get back at us if you have more questions! 

I wish you all the best! 

Note: Please keep in mind that we can´t provide qualified legal advice via the internet and that any information given can´t replace such legal advice.

answered Sep 26, 2019 by InfoVerbund
Thank you very much..appreciate a lot
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