
I want to ask that if, my mother residing in India, give affidavit confirming my Bachelorhood and get it apostilled by relevant authorities and send it to me in Germany. Will this document be eligible for the certificate of no impediment? can my brother also confirm my Bachelorhood along with my mother as my father passed away few years ago.

I want to get married in Germany but I can't go back to my country to get a certificate by myself and Indian authorities don't provide such certificates. Only sworn in affidavits attested by Sub divisional magistrate are available that are sent for apostille attestation and for that I need to be present there if I want to address it to myself. Please provide me with your suggestions and guidance.

Thanks & Regards
asked Jan 5, 2021 in Legal advice by Arora | 529 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Arora,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.

I think the best way to find out, what exactly you need to provide for the marriage is talking to your local registry office ("Standesamt"). We discussed a very similar question here. Please follow the link for more information on this and a potential solution in case you can not provide a certficate of no impediment.

Nevertheless, please also don't hesitate to get back to us if things are not clear or if you have any further questions.

All the best,


answered Jan 8, 2021 by Meike
Thanks a lot
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