
i am a student here in Germany, and i came from Syria,

i am in the 3rd semester (Master) , and i work as a student in my university.

can i change my status into a refugee?, and is it useful for me? because i have only one month left in my job then i need to find another one, but when i work for 20h/week then i am gonna need 7 more semesters to end my master, so i am trying to find another way to stay here in Germany and finish my studies ASAP.

and one more thing, i am married to a syrian woman, who has a permanent residency in Sweden, can i get the same her depending on that?

thank you.
asked Feb 1, 2019 in Legal advice by Mighty Deutsch | 967 views

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Dear @Mighty Deutsch,

Thank you for reaching out to the Wefugees community and sorry for the wait!

As a working Master's student myself, I can completely understand that it can be extremely stressful and time-consuming, or that you feel like it slows down your studies. 

Have you looked into finding a 10-hour job? That could make it easier to handle both your studies and support yourself financially. Depending where you study, universities usually have job listings or job search portals where you could have a ****. There are also student support services that you can ask for help.

The following thread from our platform should answer your question regarding asylum:

Can I apply for asylum or refugee status through a student visa ?

And this thread should provide you with a few helpful suggestions regarding staying in Germany by our asylum law expert Nilab:

Can I apply as a refugee or asylum, if i have a student visa from france?

Regarding your last question, here is a lot of information on joining your spouse with a permanent residence permit in Sweden: https://***.migrationsverket.se/English/Private-individuals/Moving-to-someone-in-Sweden/Spouse-registered-partner-or-cohabiting-partner.html

I hope this information helps! Feel free to reach out to us again if you have any more questions :-)

Best regards,


answered Feb 14, 2019 by Isa
0 votes
What I heard is that in some states of Germany if you are in mid of your degree and claim asylum they will make you leave your degree and start you all over again like Hessen state but some states have different law regarding this like kiel. So make sure this doesn't happen with you when you claim asylum.
answered Sep 29, 2019 by Jeddy
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