Must I go back to my country to apply for a study visa if I was in Germany with a visit visa
asked Jan 9, 2019 in Education by Zee Zita | 843 views

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Dear @Zee Zita,

Thank you for reaching out to the community and for sharing your question with us!

If you've already been accepted for a study program in Germany, you can probably have a **** at the university's website and find information about getting a visa as well - or even reach out to the student service via Email.

Nonetheless, I've had a **** and found a few sources regarding student visa applications

Here is some general information about German Student Visas by "Studying in Germany": https://***.studying-in-germany.org/german-student-visa/#visa-requirements

And some information on getting a student residence permit: https://***.studying-in-germany.org/german-student-visa/#how-to-get-your-student-residence-permit-in-germany

As another source writes: 

"Germany offers a few different types of student visas, all available by applying through the German embassy or consulate in your home country. Make sure to do this before coming to Germany.

  1. The Schengen visa allows people to stay in Germany for up to three months per half-yearly period. These visas are ideal for those who are interested in touring around the country or taking short language courses.
  2. Language course visas cover students' stays for the length of the language course.
  3. National visas allow students to stay longer than three months and are designed for those who want to pursue academic degrees or more extensive educational research.
  4. Student applicant visas are for students who want to study in Germany on a longer-term basis but have not yet been admitted to a university. This visa allows them to come to Germany for three months to **** for a program. Once they have enrolled, the visa can be converted to a national visa. If they do not enroll in a program within three months, the visas may sometimes be extended but that is up to the discretion of the visa-granting authorities."

There are several kinds of visas in Germany that you can get as a student - and some people have to apply for a visa before entering Germany (meaning - you might have to leave Germany before you can use the student visa). 

The Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) also writes that you need to apply for a student visa before entering Germany here: https://***.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/aamt/zugastimaa/buergerservice/faq/-/606848

However, it's worth it to contact the university you'll be studying with (if you already applied somewhere/ got accepted) or the German "Auswärtiges Amt" (Federal Foreign Office), there may be other options.

I hope this helps. Let us know if you need any further assistance!

Kind regards,


answered Jan 10, 2019 by Isa
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