Hello everyone please can you help me where to find a ausbildung place for elektronik in germnay?

wich city in gemany offers more ausbildung place ?

Have any center in germany who hel me finding any ausbildung place?
asked Jan 6, 2019 in Education by Aniani | 1,218 views
Dear @Aniani, Welcome to Wefugees and thank you for your question! I'm going to link our experts from @Arrivo-EMSA and @BildungsberaterIn (LernLaden Neukölln) here. Maybe one or both of them can share some ideas in relation to vocational training/ Ausbildung with you. In the meantime, have a **** at this website, where you can search for Elektronik Ausbildungsplätze: https://***.ausbildung.de/branchen/elektronik/ Kind regards, Isa

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Hallo back

So, you are looking for an ‘Ausbildung for elektroniker in Germany’. Your search is just too wide. First thing you need is to narrow down your search. There are so many professions in which you can be ‘elektroniker’, for example you might consider these professions:

  1. Elektroniker/in – Automatisierungstechnik
  2. Elektroniker/in – Betriebstechnik
  3. Elektroniker/in – Energie- und Gebäudetechnik
  4. Elektroniker/in – Gebäude- und Infrastruktursysteme
  5. Elektroniker/in – Geräte und Systeme
  6. Elektroniker/in – Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik
  7. Elektroniker/in – Informations- und Systemtechnik
  8. Elektroniker/in – Maschinen und Antriebstechnik
  9. IT-Systemelektroniker/in
  10. Systemelektroniker/in

There are other professions that also have to do with the word ‘elektroniker’. You might like to have a **** at all professions in Germany on this website: ***.berufenet.de.

On this website you can find detailed information about all professions in Germany.

Companies in Germany announce every year the number of vacant Ausbildung seats that they want make them occupied with new blood. To apply for one of them you need to have your CV, application papers, motivation letter and school and work certificates if available. You can apply for the Ausbildung opportunities yourself or you can find a consultation office in the Federal state where you live in Germany to help you.

To find Ausbildung opportunities online you can surf some websites that are specialized in this issue. For example, ***.jobboerse.arbeitsagentur.de, ***.azubiyo.de, and ***.ausbildung.de are websites that might be helpful to you.

If you live in Berlin you can also visit one of our projects to help you apply for the Ausbildung you want. ARRIVO Berlin is an umbrella project that covers 10 different projects specialized in various professions. Here is the website of ARRIVO Berlin: ****://arrivo-berlin.de/215/.

Some information that might be of interest for you about the Ausbildung in Gereral:

  • You need to have a good command of German language
  • You need to expect that mathematics and physics are important for ‘elektroniker’ Ausbildung
  • The Ausbildung starts usually in September every year.
  • The duration of the Ausbildung can take up to 3.5 years.
  • It can be a good idea to start a ‘Praktikum’ before you go through the Ausbildung.

There could also be other ways to master a profession other than the Ausbildung based on your past work experience or if you already finished a vocational training in your homeland and you have your papers here in Germany. Maybe you need to think also about Umschulung, Anerkennung and Nachqualifizierung.

I hope I could give you the information you wanted. In case you need to know more or if the information provided were not enough you can contact us per E-Mail or telephone.

Best wishes

Fadi Al-Lafi


ARRIVO Berlin Wege zum Berufsabschluss  

answered Jan 11, 2019 by Arrivo-EMSA
I've nothing to add!
**** for advice in a job-consultation office in your town.

If you live in Berlin you can contact the mobile job berater oder bildungsberater:

Best regard,
mbeon App

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