
I was recently offered an Ausbildung as Bürokauffrau, and I will be working if I happen to really like this company. before I got my offer, I also applied to study for a bachelor's abschluss online from Luxemburg. and I got accepted and also offered a scholarship. the bachelor's will take 4 years and 3 years for my ausbildung. is it possible for me to do both at the same time? they both begin around the same time.

I know doing a Dualeausbildung would be easier but I haven't been able to find anything suitable in my area.

is an ausbildung so intense that I might not be able to do both?

( getting my bachelors after I finish the ausbildung just takes too long because I need more work experience to be admitted)
asked May 13, 2022 in Education by Ariesgirl | 1,064 views
Hello! I wanted to ask if u did the Bachelors degree and ausbildung together? I am in the same situation as u and I am wondering either i will be able to manage time or not. Pls pls let me know

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Ariesgirl,

normally an Ausbildung is a full-time occupation. You also have to go to school during your Ausbidung, so studying for a Bachelors degree simultaneously would be reallly hard.

There is a possibiility for a part-time Ausbidung, however this applies only for reasonable interests and doing another education doesn't fit in the criteria.

Of course you could try to achieve your Bachelor with distance learning. However, the easiest and shortest way to get both is a duale Ausbildung.

Best wishes,

answered May 14, 2022 by Anita_Koe
hi Anita,
thank you for your reply. this was really helpful.

0 votes
Hi Dikshya,

I tried to do them at the same time, but four months down the line I quit the bachelors because I so behind with my university work load that I just ended up deciding to focus solely on completely the Ausbildung first. The Ausbildung Berufsschule is not as easy as i thought it was going to be plus I was always so tired after an 8 hour workday. I am now about to write my zwischen Prüfung für the Ausbildung and I don’t regret my decision :) times goes by really quick.

I hope my answer helps ❤️‍
answered Aug 30, 2023 by Ariesgirl
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