I am from Ghana I came to Germany by Poland visa can I seek asylum in Germany
asked Jan 3, 2019 in Asylum proceedings by Wenduwenderad | 1,377 views

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Dear @Wenduwenderad,

Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for reaching out to us!

Unfortunately, if Poland has issued you a visa and you are now applying for asylum in Germany, the Dublin III Regulations apply to your case. That means that Germany would send you back to Poland, as Poland would be recognized responsible for your case (if another country registered your fingerprints, issued you a visa, or you applied for asylum there before). 

You can find an example in Thorgen's answer on this thread:

Will a previous touristic visit to a EU country affect my first asylum claim in the UK because of Dublin III?

Here is more information on Dublin III by the EU: https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/policies/asylum/examination-of-applicants_en

I hope these sources help to answer your question. Please reach out to us again if you need any further assistance.

Kind regards,


answered Jan 3, 2019 by Isa
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