Hello dear Wefugees community,

I have been wondering how i can get my address with my German partner in Germany registred ? even tho i don't have a visa or a valide residence permit to Germany, since i need a valide address for futher application to my residence permit under my newborn German child application!

i would like to know what do i need to get registred, or to provid a valide address on my application?

thank you

best regards
asked Dec 23, 2018 in Legal advice by latrache | 5,733 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @latrache,

I'm very sorry for the long wait - I had to talk to our law expert in order to provide you with the correct information.

Last time we talked, I shared some sources with you regarding the process of getting a residence permit through your German child. One of the prerequisites is to have proof of a main residence in Germany (e.g. Berlin).

Please note that you need to have a legal status in Germany to receive said proof or to be able to apply for a residence permit in general! Since you stated before that you do not have a legal status yet, it is essential that you discuss your case with a lawyer or legal aid service (if you haven't already done so).

If you have any more questions after you talked to them, feel free to reach out to the community again :-)

All the best,


answered Jan 14, 2019 by Isa
Hello dear @Isa, Thank you for your reply! As we spoke before about the residence permit in Germany, I have applied for it, I went to the immigration office in Kreis Rhein Neuss, and they took my passport and they gave me a letter to represent to the Bürgerbüro to get a Meldebescheinigung in Kaarst with my wife and kid, when got the address i went this morning back to Ausländerbehörde as I had a meeting "vorzusprechen"! They took the Meldebescheinigung and they asked me too many questions about me, and how I got to the country and so on ! It took 1 hour to finish the meeting, even though the meeting was in German language, I have shown them I got B1 Zertifikat, afterwards they gave me a "Verfäutige" of 12 days ! until I return again on the 23th and get the final answer about my situation! Even though they are going to send the meeting review about what we had this morning to Central police office, to decide whether I have to stay and get a Duldung or to leave the country and back with a validé visa ! My lawyer said once I have the Duldung He can easy get me a residence permit after that ! My lawyer have worked with me in this ! And hope will get something within these 12 days. If you have any advice regarding to my situation, please note me down ! Thank you so much. Best regards
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