Dear @Nasser77,
Welcome to the Wefugees community and thank you for waiting!
As for your question, here is a thread that has listed all the countries you are able to travel to with a "Blue passport" without a visa:
Basically, as a holder of the so-called "Blue passport", you are able to travel to all countries within the Schengen area visa-free. It's only required that you don't stay there for more than three months or work there (and of course that the passport is still valid when you come back). The countries are:
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania , Sweden, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary.
Special Note about Spain @Nasser77:
The Spanish consulate in Hamburg website also offers important information for anyone who travels to Spain with a residence title granted by an EU-country: You need to be able to prove the reason and efficient funds for your stay.
(Furthermore, you may have to substantiate that you are not a danger to the public order, inner security, public health or Spain's international relations, and that you are not registered in the national database of those with an entry ban).
If you are going to Spain for private and touristic purposes,
kann die Vorlage eines der folgenden Dokumente gefordert werden:
- Ein Beleg über die Unterkunft in einem Beherbergungsbetrieb oder eine Einladung des Gastgebers, sofern bei diesem Unterkunft genommen werden soll, welche von dem Polizeikommissariat dessen Wohnortes ausgestellt wurde. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass das Einladungsschreiben keinesfalls den Nachweis der übrigen für die Einreise geforderten Voraussetzungen ersetzt.
- Buchungsbestätigung einer organisierten Reise mit Angabe des Reiseverlaufs.
- Rückreise- oder Rundreiseticket/s.
Translated: The following documents may be asked for
- A document from the hotel/hostel/ place where you'll stay, e.g. a confirmation of your stay with them, OR an invitation by the host you want to live with, which has to be issued by the police station of his or her living area.
- The booking confirmation of an organized trip, also showing the course of your trip.
- Your return tickets or tickets you will travel around with.
You need to be able to prove you have an amount of at least €73,59 per person per day!
Also note that the passport has to be valid for at least three months after the day of your return.
Follow this link for more information (in German).
Please feel free to reach out again if you need any further assistance!
All the best,