
I am a student in the third year of high school in albania.I want to apply for ausbildung of law but i dont know when ,before my state exams and my language exam or after them.I do not know what are the criterias for it .Know i am at level B1 in german language also i have a certificaion of b1 in english.
asked Dec 8, 2018 in Education by kejsi | 1,745 views

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Dear @kejsi

thank you for addressing this question in our community and we are looking forward for your active engagement here. 

In order to apply for a law Ausbildung, there two ways either as practical Education, this is the classic Ausbildung as "Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte" or if you want to become a lawyer you need to go to university. 

I am sure our experts @Kiron-HelpDesk will get back to you soon with more details. 

If you have more question please feel free to address them here in the forum. 

Best regards, 


answered Dec 11, 2018 by Nilab
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