Please i need answer when your child have residence permit 33Abs she was born in Germany and because the mother have a residence permit 28Abs my daugter had also got a stay and the father have Duldung for the past 2years now and I have vaterschaft and custody 50/50 together with the mother but till now the Auslanderbehorde refuse to answer my lawyer for my stay and for 9month now they don't want to issue the Aufenthaltserlaubnis because of that my lawyer had file a lawsuit against the Auslanderbehorde because I have the right to stay here in Germany. I am asking will the Administrative court fevour me since I care and have everything that's shows am the father?
And also how long it takes for the court to answer in Koln.
asked Nov 20, 2018 in Legal advice by christianowusu | 361 views
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