I got married and applied for residence permit but they are keep putting me on  hold. They are not giving answer. My partner is a German and Poland citizen so I applied residence permit through EU law and use his Poland citizenship. But I am waiting from more then 4 months no answer.. They are giving appointment for next 3 months later. What should I do? My lawyer is keep asking more money for appealing in court to get answer Quickly. But I already spent alot of money and cant take a chance anymore. What you guys suggest?
asked Nov 16, 2018 in Legal advice by Kevinreed00131 | 1,480 views
hi, Did you get your residence permit?

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5 Answers

0 votes
Dear @Kevinreed00131, thank you for addressing this question here. If the court has given you an appointment for in three months- then please wait- do not appeal. As when you appeal nothing will change and you pay extra money. The duration you have been waitung is not unusual, so please just wait for your appointment. I hope this could be of a guidance, if you still have more questions please do not hesitate to engage the community. Best regards, Nilab
answered Nov 19, 2018 by Nilab
0 votes
hey    ,the court is not giving apoitment for 3 months. . the Auslanderbehorde  .   i keep asking for answer and they says we dont know about that thats your appointment then ask on that time
answered Nov 19, 2018 by Kevinreed00131
Hi ii have a same probluem like youh    ,the court is not giving apoitment for 3 months. . the Auslanderbehorde  .   i keep asking for answer and they says we dont know about that thats your appointment then ask on that time i am waiting me residence permit i dont no what i do
0 votes
the lawyer said if i pay him extra he will apeal in court and by law the Auslanderbehorder dont have right to delay the case more then 3 months . . but its taking too long . .
answered Nov 19, 2018 by Kevinreed00131
Dear @Kevinreed00131, thank you for the further informations. Yes, usually it should not take longer than three months but we have in the court right now many cases lying around and it is taking longer. So if you appeal against the Ausländerbehörde than it might take even longer has the court will ask the Ausländerbehörde for their statement, then send it to your lawyer then he will write something this can only prolong the process. But what you could do if you get help from your cities Flüchtlingsrat they might be able to go with you the Ausländerbehörde. But if you have the money and the lawyer can give you a garantie that it will be over soon, than obviously you can appeal. Best regards, Nilab
0 votes
Hello . Yes i already applied for it and its in printing process so i already waitied 3 weeks and in 3 weeks it will be in my hand . Good luck to you
answered May 4, 2021 by Kevinreed00131
Hi, you question was from 2018 you mean you got your residence permit after 2years +?
0 votes
Almost 2.5 years later . Even though i am married with German Citizen
answered May 6, 2021 by Kevinreed00131
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