
I want to find out if I can apply for Niederlassungs on the basis of Deitsch C1? But its has been more than 4 years since I got my case approved. and according to law I can apply for Niederlassungs after 3 years at the time of  renewing my aufenthaltstitel if I had completed C1. But since it has been more than a year and half since I renewed my aufenthaltstitel, am I still allowed to apply for Niederlassungs or Not?. Answer with a the law reference link would be greatly appreciated.



asked Nov 2, 2018 in Legal advice by AliA2k | 1,068 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @AliA2k

thank you for sharing your question with us. 

1. Yes you can apply now as well. 

2. https://dejure.org/gesetze/AufenthG/26.html

According to § 26 Abs. 3: 

"er die Aufenthaltserlaubnis seit drei Jahren besitzt, wobei die Aufenthaltszeit des der Erteilung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis vorangegangenen Asylverfahrens abweichend von § 55 Absatz 3 des Asylgesetzes auf die für die Erteilung der Niederlassungserlaubnis erforderliche Zeit des Besitzes einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis angerechnet wird,"

- you may be granted the Niederlassungserlaubnis if you hvae reached C1 Level German Skills; 

- if you cover in most parst your living costs yourself; 

- have no criminal records. 

If you still have further questions please reach out to the community. 

Best regards, 


answered Nov 18, 2018 by Nilab
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