asked Sep 19, 2018 in Legal advice by Sandi kumar | 817 views

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi @sandi kumar thanks for your question and welcome to the community.
 it's possible to marry in Germany if you fulfill the Marriage requirements. Like submitting your passport,birth certificate and Certificate of no impediment in German (ehefähigkeitszeugnis) if your country doesn't issue the ehefähigskeitszeugnis then you can get the single status Certificate . In German Ledigskeitzeugnis and apply for an exception for the Ehefähigkeitszeugnis at the competent Court. And also if any of you were previously married you will need to submit the Original divorced degree Certificate. If you are from outside the EU Try to legalize your documents before using it in Germany as Germany wants almost all foreign documents to be fully legalized.
Just read the following link carefully it was prepared by the Wefugee's team it consists of everything you need to know about Marriage in Germany.
good luck and best regards Nelly
answered Sep 19, 2018 by Nelly Overcomer
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