asked Apr 26, 2018 in Legal advice by Douglas Ogedegbe | 1,478 views

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Hello Douglas

nice to hear from you again.

Is it a newborn baby that was born in Germany or did the child enter Germany with the mother?

If someone (like the mother) gets a residence permit, then family members (e.g. spouses and underage unmarried children) also get a residence permit.

If the child was born in Germany whilst one (or both) of the parents were still in the asylum procedure it gets its own procedure.

For further information check out my source from BAMF: ****://***.bamf.de/EN/Fluechtlingsschutz/FamilienasylFamiliennachzug/familienasyl-familiennachzug-node.html

Best regards,


answered Apr 26, 2018 by Thor
He was born here in Germany two weeks ago
Can I get the residence permit if my child gets it own granted.
Are you married to the mother of the child?
No I am not married to the mother of the child. But we live together and take care of the child
Alright, in this case you can get a so-called "Aufenthaltserlaubnis zur Personensorge" (residence permit to take care of someone) if your asylum procedure ends with a negative result. Please check out my answer in this thread for further information: https://***.wefugees.de/102240/applying-for-residency-through-my-2-children?show=102240#q102240
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