Hello, i'am from Kosovo, and i have born on germany during the war at 99', i ve got the birth cerficate from germany and hospital papers, i would like to know do i have any right to apply? for citzienship. or whats the next procedure what should i do.
asked Apr 25, 2018 in Legal advice by donnartv | 1,001 views
I was born in Germany in 1963 my mother is German and my mothers entire side reside there. She married my father after my birth and we live in USA. How can I get German citizenship?

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Hello @donnartv

Welcome to our community and thank you for your question.

In general, you don't get the German citizenship just by being born in Germany.

If one (or both) of your parents are Germans you get the citizenship automatically. If you were born on the 1st January 2000 (or later) and if one (or both) of your parents legally resided in Germany for at least 8 years, you also get the German citizenship. Since you were born in 1999 this rule doesn't apply.

However, it is possible to obtain the German citizenship by legally residing here for at least 8 years (if you go to an "Integrationskurs" it will be shortened to 7 years - under certain conditions it's even possible to apply for naturalization after 6 years). In addition, you need to fulfil a number of other requirements. Please check the following thread here on Wefugees to find extensive information on this topic:


I hope this answer was helpful to you!

Best regards,


answered Apr 26, 2018 by Thor
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