Want to apply for asylum and would like to know what can be done.
asked Jan 16, 2018 in Legal advice by Henrii | 1,535 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Henrii :)

There are search engines that you can use to find lawyers. For example this one:


You can search for lawyers in Düsseldorf and set the filters to your needs (Rechtsgebiete = Ausländerrecht & Asylrecht). I can't see a lawyer on the list that is specialised in LGBT topics though.

Maybe you can contact one of these organisations too, to get advice about that:

The organisation "Flüchtlinge Willkommen in Düsseldorf" offers counselling for LGBT refugees every Thursday between 17-19h at Heinz-Schmöle-Straße 7, 40227 Düsseldorf.
You have to make an appointment beforehand by calling one of these numbers: Birgit Keßel: +49 (0) 157/53625975
Andreas Vollmert: +49 (0) 157/83517520
Or you can send a mail to: info@fwi-d.de

Amnesty Düsseldorf offers counselling on every third Wednesday of a month (that's today!) at 18h at Grafenberger Allee 56, 40237 Düsseldorf. ****://***.amnesty-duesseldorf.de/kontakt.html You have to make an appointment too. You can use the contact form on their website or the telephone numbers listed there (maybe calling is the better way because the counselling will happen today).

If it's urgent, you can also reach them for counselling on the phone using this number: 0211-4792866. They are available from Monday till Friday.

I hope this helps you :)

All the best,
answered Jan 17, 2018 by Lea
Thanks a lot Lea.
You're welcome :)
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