I would like to add a few numbers more wich are worth to be known:
Nationwide autority service hotline: 115
Nationwide pharmacy alarm hotline: 0800 - 00 - 22833 (from landline network, free of charge)
Nationwide pharmacy alarm hotline for calls by mobile phones: 22833 (fee is max. 69 ct/Min)
For up-to-date on-call pharmacy services in your city or location see: ****://bit.ly/2ddSTnE
Nationwide medical on-call service: 116 117
Special medical on-call-services of some federal states:
Nordrhein-Westfalen: 01805 044100
(fee is 14 ct./Min. form German landline, fee for mobile phones max. 42 ct./Min.)
Schleswig Holstein: 116 117
Berlin, Brandenburg: 030 310031
Bremen: 0421 19292
Hamburg: 040 228022
Niedersachsen: 05541 8030
Sachsen: 0371 19292
Bayern: 01805 191212
(fee is 14 ct./Min. from German landline, fee for mobile phones max. 42 ct./Min.)
Emergency poison hotlines:
Baden-Württemberg: 0761 19240
Bayern: 089 19240
Berlin, Brandenburg: 030 19240
Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen: 0551 19240
Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz: 06131 19240
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen: 0361 730730
Nordrhein-Westfalen: 0228 19240
Saarland: 06841 19240
Central emegency call for blocking bank cards and electronic authorisation: 116 116
Blocking service for EC-Cards: 01805 021021 (loss of EC-Card)
VISA: 0800 - 0800 8149100 or 0800 8118440
MasterCard: 0800 8191040
A rich source of emergency numbers is the list of 'Deutsche Telekom', you will notice my extracts. See the long version here: ****://bit.ly/2de2E4Y
Kind regards, Jan