What are the basic telephone numbers that I must know in the case that I have an urgent problem?

1. Polizei
2. Ambulance
3. Firefighters

Are there some other important numbers to know in Germany?
asked Sep 23, 2016 in Other Questions by Elena | 1,220 views

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2 Answers

+4 votes
Hi @Elena,

For what concernes your question specifically, here are the Emergency Numbers you are looking for ( remember they are Valid anywhere in Germany)

    Police 110 or 112
    Fire Brigade 112
    Ambulance 112

To these I would also like to add a few others that might be useful in other situations (also valid all over Germany)

Roadside Assistance

    Central Information ADAC (0180) 5 10 11 12
    Road Assistance ADAC (01802) 22 22 22
    Road Assistance ACE (01802) 34 35 36
    Road Assistance AVD (0691) 66060

Other Important Numbers

    Emergency Poison Help Line (0761) 192 40
    Berlin Lost Property (030) 69 65
    Disabled Travelers (0511) 56 70
    Alcoholics Anonymous (089) 316 95 00
    German Youth Hostel Association (05231) 99360
    AIDS Help (030) 690 08 70

A free advice line is available for psychological emergencies. These first responders for emotional problems can be reached on

 Elderly people: 0800-111 0 550
 Young people: 0800-111 0 333
 Crisis telephone for life, depression and family counseling:  0800 111 0111 or 0800 111 0222

Hoping you won't need to call these numbers anytime soon, it's always good to know a few extra numbers and being informed about the kind of help we can receive here in Germany.


answered Sep 23, 2016 by Paolo
Thank you so much for all this information, Paolo, it may be really helpful. Thank you.
+1 vote

I would like to add a few numbers more wich are worth to be known:

Nationwide autority service hotline: 115

Nationwide pharmacy alarm hotline: 0800 - 00 - 22833 (from landline network, free of charge)
Nationwide pharmacy alarm hotline for calls by mobile phones: 22833 (fee is max. 69 ct/Min)
For up-to-date on-call pharmacy services in your city or location see: ****://bit.ly/2ddSTnE

Nationwide medical on-call service: 116 117
Special medical on-call-services of some federal states:
Nordrhein-Westfalen: 01805 044100
(fee is 14 ct./Min. form German landline, fee for mobile phones max. 42 ct./Min.)
Schleswig Holstein: 116 117
Berlin, Brandenburg: 030 310031
Bremen: 0421 19292
Hamburg: 040 228022
Niedersachsen: 05541 8030
Sachsen: 0371 19292
Bayern: 01805 191212
(fee is 14 ct./Min. from German landline, fee for mobile phones  max. 42 ct./Min.)

Emergency poison hotlines:
Baden-Württemberg: 0761 19240
Bayern: 089 19240
Berlin, Brandenburg: 030 19240
Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen: 0551 19240
Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz: 06131 19240
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen: 0361 730730
Nordrhein-Westfalen: 0228 19240
Saarland: 06841 19240

Central emegency call for blocking bank cards and electronic authorisation: 116 116
Blocking service for EC-Cards: 01805 021021  (loss of EC-Card)
VISA: 0800 - 0800 8149100 or 0800 8118440
MasterCard: 0800 8191040

A rich source of emergency numbers is the list of 'Deutsche Telekom', you will notice my extracts. See the long version here: ****://bit.ly/2de2E4Y

Kind regards, Jan
answered Sep 24, 2016 by Jan
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