Hi everyone,
My name is Sherko Ahmed from Iraq and I am 35 years old and I have master degree in political science and I am in Germany for more than 6months living in a camp in Dortmund.
My main problem is till now that I didnt have any official paper to allow me to be enrolled in any language course.
So please if you have any information how I can get any chance to learn the language (websites, school, interactive programms)
I would appreciate it because I need it desperately to continue my studies and to find a job.
asked Jun 10, 2016 in Education by Sherko | 1,641 views

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5 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
answered Feb 4, 2020 by eok-fid
+2 votes
Hi Sherko Ahmed,

Welcome to Wefugees :)

I found some resources for you in Dortmund:

^^^This is what the University offers, which may be helpful since you want to continue your studies. You could speak to them about what they offer academically and maybe sit in on some classes, which would also help you get an ear for the language.

^^^Their focus group is 18-25 but they could still be a good contact to have, and they could recommend other groups in Dortmund. Contact info is:
Manfred Hagedorn
Kleppingstraße 21-23
44135 Dortmund
tel 0231.50-23100

Also for more helpful information, take a **** at these questions that were already answered on the forum. The first link is posted by someone also in Dortmund! Maybe you could send him a message and see what he´s been up to.


All the best,
answered Jun 10, 2016 by julia.d
+2 votes
Hi, Online you can find resources here:
And of course Goethe Institut, it offers an app to learn from your phone
answered Jun 18, 2016 by EG
Great links :) !!
0 votes
Hi here!

There is a perfect source to learn languages! German, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian - https://ifu-institut.at/

Here is a timetable for the near future:  https://ifu-institut.at/online-sprachkurs/deutschkurs-online-a1-a2-b1-b2-c1-c2

Wish you all the best! ;)
answered Oct 21, 2020 by Zoryna
0 votes
Hello. I would really like to help you in this situation. Or maybe you are considering online training? You can choose a school and study remotely. As such a scale, I can recommend DeutscherPapa https://deutscherpapa.by/. The school offers free online testing for the level of the German language on the website, and also conducts the first trial lesson for free.
answered May 19, 2022 by Marta_M
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