I am student in Kiron, and I recently finished one of the cources that I am taking. When I clicked on the button "complete cources" it doesn't function other than giving two options "Yes" and "No".
Is there anyone who faced the same problem? How can I solve it?
asked Dec 22, 2015 in Other Questions by wondesson | 659 views

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3 Answers

0 votes

I know this question was asked a long time ago, but I wanted to answer anyways so others can see or in case you are still wondering the same thing. You can click on "Yes, I completed the course" so that we know that you are done. If you have any other questions please refer to the student forum (https://forum.kiron.ngo/), there many students ask and answer questions.


Kiron Student Support
answered Nov 10, 2016 by Kiron-HelpDesk
0 votes
Please write us at student-support@kiron.ngo and not the info@kiron.ngo account for these types of questions.
answered Nov 11, 2016 by Kiron-HelpDesk
–2 votes
I think you should write an email to: info@kiron.university
answered Jan 2, 2016 by Dave
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