I'm a refugee from Iraq and I've heard about this initiative in camp. I would like to enroll and start studying a degree as soon as possible, but I still have to wait for my residence documents and since there are so many refugees I have to wait at least another month until I complete all the procedures. Could I enroll and start soon enough? Would it be enough with the papers I already have since I don't have my temporary residence permit yet? I really miss studying and I don't want to waste more time waiting.

Thank you so much for any help you guys can give me.

asked Nov 23, 2015 in Other Questions by Firas | 1,035 views

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3 Answers

+5 votes
Hey Firas.

To enroll as a KIRON student, you don't need any documents. You will have time to get your documents together 1,5 years - in the time you do your online studies. After that, before being accepted at a partner university - it would be helpful to have some documents confirming that you have access to higher education. If you have bot, there are still ways - you can visit a "Studienkolleg" or simply do tests to access. Important is, that you start learning german as soon as possible so after the online studies, you will be able to follow the normal studies in german. You can enrol in Kiron for the spring semester, that is starting in February! For registration, vsit the homepage and press the red "register" buttom on the right.
answered Nov 24, 2015 by Carolein
+2 votes
Hey Firas,

if you have any document that indicates your refugee status it will probably suffice. Here are all the listed documents we accept: https://kiron.university/students.
So if you really are a refugee but unable to get a proper document the points 8) and 9) are especially interesting for you.
9) is basically a form you and one representative of an organization connected to refugee work can sign to confirm your refugee status. You also find the form here: https://kiron.university/storage/app/media/Application_and_Admission.pdf

I hope this helped.

answered Dec 5, 2015 by Herb
0 votes
Dear Firas,

Thanks for your message and your interest in Kiron. You can find more information on the study tracks and our education model here (https://kiron.ngo/for-students/apply-admission) and then start the application process. As others already mentioned, all you need is proof of refugee status and there are various documents we accept, that you will see on the website.

 After you have completed the application, you will hear back from us in the end of the following month. Please take a moment to think if you will be able to fulfill the requirements to study at Kiron: students should have good regular internet access, via tablet or computer. You will also be required to have an English level of B1. Lastly, in order to enter a partner university (after the second year), a proof of university entrance qualification will be needed. You will also have time to get this during your studies at Kiron.

Kind regards,

Kiron support staff

answered Nov 13, 2016 by Kiron-HelpDesk
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