I am now with my wife in Berlin in a refugees hostel and I would like to know what are my rights in the camp, in arabic if possible.
I don't know if anyone could help me.
asked Sep 11, 2015 in Legal advice by Adel | 827 views

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3 Answers

+5 votes
Hello Adel!

How are you?

Please find attached a document (in arabic) that should lighten the situation, it is offered on the website of the Flüchtlingsrat Berlin and called Information for asylum seekers in camps in Berlin.

Do not hesitate to let me know if that was not what you wanted.
Best regards.
answered Sep 11, 2015 by Karl
+4 votes
Hello Adel:
Here you have the answers to the most important questions regarding your rights as asylum seeker in refugees camps in English. The Arabic version is the one that Karl submitted first: (****://***.fluechtlingsrat-berlin.de/lepton/media/pdf/Sonstiges/InformationenfuerAsylsuchende_Englisch.pdf)

There you have the main questions that appear on the document, check the answers in the pdf.

1. What are the camp management's and the admin staff's tasks?

2. Does the camp manager, other camp/hostel staff or security staff have any impact on your asylum application?

3. What are the duties and powers of the security personnel?

4. Does the camp/hostel staff decide on how much money you get?

5. Does the camp staff decide whether you get a flat?

6. Do the camp/hostel managers decide, whether or not you get a 1-Euro-Job?

7. Which rules for accommodation must the camp/hostel managers abide by?

8. May anyone open your mail?

9. May camp/hostel staff enter your room without your permission?

10. Do you have to give notice if you are not in the camp/hotel for several days?

11. May someone check your cabinet or cupboard and search your belongings?

12. Is CCTV allowed (surveillance of the camp/hostel with video cameras)?

13. Is the camp/hostel staff allowed to prohibit somebody from visiting you?

14. May any camp/hostel staff demand money from you?

15. Help in medical emergencies

16. What can you do if the camp/hostel managers, employees or security personnel violate your rights?
answered Dec 4, 2015 by Alex
+2 votes
Hello Adel,

see this site for further Information: ****://tinyurl.***/nkx5696
There are PDFs in arabic Language. Search via vour browsers
search function with the german word 'arabisch'. I have attached a brocure too, see below.

Regards, Jan
answered Dec 4, 2015 by Jan
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