Dear @Destiny,
Thank you for getting back to us again. Some relevant information on the Hardship Commission I shared already in your last question here but I can also recommend to check my answer given in this thread for further details. Here a summary:
The relevant criterion for the Commission's decision as to whether a "hardship case" exists is the degree of integration in Germany and the hardship that renewed uprooting would mean. Factors such as employment, language skills, educational achievements and social ties (e.g. through involvement in clubs or religious communities) often play a role. So it doesn't matter any risks in the country of origin. These must be asserted in the asylum procedure. The Hardship Commission can only deal with cases of people who have already been obliged to leave the country ("vollziehbar ausreisepflichtig")
I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.
All the best,