So, my Boyfriend entered Germany through Belgium without entry visa.

He went and did registration with the District. He received a letter from the Foreigners Office to come and report himself because they’ve notice he is in system without a valid visa.

He went and told them we are having a baby and he wanted to be with the family. He was told to have the Paternity recognition, joint custody, passport and permit for the child done and report to them.

All was done and he report to them. He was given a Duldung for 3 months and the officer responsible of him told him to move his address to my apartment and report again when that’s done.

He move the address to my apartment and he reported to them and he was told to report to the foreigners office responsible for my District.

He went there and they said his file is not with them and he should come later.

He went later and he was given a new Duldung from  my District.

He went there to apply for a permit under 25.5 and he was told that he doesn’t have any approval from BAMF for his entry on his file.

This is almost 7 months from his registration in Germany. 

Is it possible that, the two foreigners office can issue a Duldung without any approval from BAMF.

We are confuse and they said they will get back to me us.

How will BAMF know if one is not reported or registered with them.

Thank you

asked Jan 3 in Asylum proceedings by Olive | 409 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Olive

I do not know why he was issued with a second Duldung if the first one was still valid. Normally the authorities should have written his new address on the Duldung he already had but the procedure may differ throughout Germany.

As far as I know, it would be quite unusual to receive the residence permit 25,5 after just 7 months in the country. It is generally only given after a person has had a Duldung for 18 months.

I do not understand what you mean by approval from BAMF. Your boyfriend has asked for and received a Duldung for family reasons from the foreigners’ office. I am not aware what role BAMF would play in this procedure.



answered 6 days ago by mbeon-Éanna
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