I want to fly to the airport and I have friends who can help me take me to this camp, but there is such a thing, but I am a citizen of Ukraine who received a foreign passport on January 18, 2022, I was 16. When the war in Ukraine began, I went to Saudi Arabia through Poland (and I turned 17 in Poland) on a tourist visa to stay with my family. I have been living in Saudi Arabia for two years as a tourist. I wanted to move to Germany and apply for temporary protection under paragraph 24 of the Residence Act. Could you advise whether I am entitled to this protection and what steps I should take to do so? Thank you for your time and support.All Best  Wishes have
asked Dec 21, 2024 in Asylum proceedings by AntiAnton | 786 views

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Hi @AntiAnton

As I understand it, you are a Ukrainian citizen who received a second citizenship. As long as you still have Ukrainian citizenship, you are entitled to temporary protection under paragraph 24 in Germany. The main conditions to receive this are that a person is a Ukrainian citizen and that they were living in Ukraine when the war began. It is also possible to have left the Ukraine up to 90 days before the beginning of the war of February 24th 2022.

As you do not require a visa to come to Germany, you can travel here and apply for a residence permit in Germany. There are two options in this regard.

1: If you have someone you know who can offer you temporary accommodation, you can register at their apartment and apply for your residence permit at their local immigration office (in German ‘Ausländerbehörde’).

2: If not, you have to go to the central reception centre in whatever German state you are in. Germany is a federal country and so each state has its own registration procedure. This central reception centre is called ‘Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung’. You will then be assigned to go and stay in a particular part of that state or possibly another state. This depends on the capacity of that state and how many people from Ukraine they currently have to process.

Here the procedure in Berlin is explained (the page is also available in Ukrainian and Russian):


This is also a general useful resource in various languages:




answered Dec 23, 2024 by mbeon-Éanna
Thank you very much for your help. But my question is that I was in Saudi Arabia as a tourist and I want to go from there to Germany and will they give me that or will they say that Germany will not give it to you anymore because Saudi Arabia has become a safe country for you?
You’re welcome. The key question is what type of residency status you have in Saudi Arabia. The Federal Ministry of the Interior in Germany issued detailed guidelines on how the rules on temporary protection (also called paragraph 24) are to be implemented. In these guidelines they distinguish between Ukrainians who move to Germany via another EU country and via non-EU countries.

If a Ukrainian moves from another EU country, then there is no problem. If a Ukrainian moves from a non-EU country such as Saudi Arabia, then it depends on their residency status there. If they have a residence permit in Saudi Arabia, then they are no longer considered entitled to temporary protection in Germany.
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