Dear @Stella3036,
Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.
We discussed questions about the so-called "Asylfolgeantrag" (follow-up application) here before - you may want to check the advice provided in this thread, for instance.
Here some general information (by If changes have occurred after an asylum application submitted for the first time (so-called initial application) has been rejected, it is generally possible to submit follow-up applications.
A follow-up application is when a person submits a new application after the asylum procedure in Germany has had a negative outcome (see Section 71 AsylG). A further asylum procedure will only be carried out if an initial examination shows that there are reasons for the request for protection that only arose or were presented after the asylum application was rejected (Article 40 EU Asylum Procedure Directive). This may be the case if the circumstances in the country of origin have changed significantly or if there is new evidence that leads to a more favorable decision.
I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.
All the best,