Hi @Prince baba
I’m not an expert in the area of asylum but I’ll answer based on what I know.
The mother can withdraw the asylum claim on her child’s behalf. The child is then obliged to leave the country within a certain amount of time. To return to their home country, the child will require a passport. If they do not have one, then the mother will have to give someone the power (in German ‘Vollmacht’) to accompany her child to apply for a passport at the embassy of the home country. As the mother is in the asylum process, she cannot have contact with the embassy.
There is the additional question of custody. If the mother has shared custody with the other parent, then the other parent will also have to give their consent at each stage of this process.
Depending on the age of the child, they made need someone to accompany them on the plane journey. This is a service generally offered by airlines. If this is not possible, the mother can contact the IOM (International Organisation for Migration) to discuss having someone accompany the child.
The mother should also be aware that having her child return to her home country may affect her own asylum case. If the grounds of her asylum case are individual persecution, then this is less relevant. But if she is basing her case on the situation more generally in her home country, then having her child return there would be an indicator she considers it to be safe, at least for her child. But as I say, it is not my area of expertise and so the person can seek out a specialised asylum process advice service (Asylverfahrensberatung).