Dear @Sambright,
Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for your question.
You are right, the naturalization is for you for the time being not possible as people with a residence permit according to section 25 (5) are not elegible.
First of all, I must emphasize that I am not a lawyer and do not have much experience in this area of law in which you are currently involved.
When I checked the requirements for the residence permit according to 19d, it appears that it is only granted to people holding a Duldung. However, according to this chart (by GGUA in Münster), the change between 25 (5) and 19d might be possible.
Maybe the residence permit according to §18a (following the link you will find the requirements exemplary for Berlin residents) is also an option for you (as you are about to finish your "Ausbildung")? I will also link my dear colleagues @mbeon-Éanna and @mbeon-fardeen here. Maybe they can correct me or add any information.
In any case, we can not offer legal counselling at this platform and I highly recommend you to consult a lawyer or a migration counselling office.
If you have any further (more general) questions, please don't hesitate to get back to us either.
All the best,