Dear Wefugees,

Thank you for the good work you are doing here.

I am a non-EU citizen currently on a student permit in Hungary. My RP here will be expiring by end of January 2023.

I met a German man a year ago, and now we want to get married to avoid the long distance.

Here are my questions.

1. Can we get married in Denmark, and register for Anmeldung, and will that allow me to get the Resident permit to stay in Germany without applying from the German embassy since I can travel to Germany (freedom of movement) at the moment.

2. Considering the time, I have left on my resident card, will that be enough to get the process completed and what happens when my card expires, and I still don't have any response from the Auslandbehorde?

3. Have you received similar questions as my situation? Please share a link if you did respond.

4. Are there any lawyers /Legal Aids/ Anyone in the know in (Berlin/Bradenburg) whom you can refer me to privately, to seek assistance, should we need it?

Thank you.

Looking forward to your positive response.

asked Nov 18, 2022 in Legal advice by TashaJ153 | 483 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Tashaj153,

Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us as well as for your nice words! :-)

Yes, many people get married in Denmark as it seems to be comparatively easy and it is also recognized in Germany (as far as I know).

However, I doubt that the marriage in Denmark will save you from the family reunification visa process. Even couples who get married in Germany are requested to obtain a visa from a German embassy for the subsequent residence permit according to section 28 of the German Residence Act. I will link my colleague dear @mbeon-Éanna here to correct me in case.

Unfortunately, the visa procedure can take some time. Is there any chance to extend your residence permit in Hungary for the time being?

I recommend you to contact a migration counselling office for support. In Berlin there are many organizations offering free of charge and expert advice. Please use this search engine to find a respective office.

I hope this helps and all the best,


answered Nov 20, 2022 by Meike
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