Hi @Nevv
It is not possible to withdraw a Vaterschaftsanerkennung. If you believe you are not the father, you can challenge it in court. This is called ‘anfechten’. The court will order tests to be done to establish if you are the father or not.
This article (in English via online translation) gives a good overview of the process:
There is a time limit to challenge the Vaterschaft. It has to be done within two years of finding out you may not be the father.
You have to get legal advice if you wish to take this step.
However, if you are the father, you have the right to have contact with your son. This is separate to the 100% Sorgerecht custody right that the mother has. The right to have contact and see your son is called ‘Umgangsrecht’ and the mother has to enable this contact. Ideally parents can come to an arrangement between themselves about where and how this contact will take place. If this is not possible, then you can get assistance from a family advice centre (Familienberatungstele). Here you can search for one in your area and also for a particular language:
If a parent is still not able to assert their access rights ‘Umgangsrecht’, then they can also apply to the family court to get a court order to force the other parent to cooperate.
If you cannot afford the costs of a lawyer yourself, you can apply for free legal advice (Beratungshilfe) and/or free court representation (Prozesskostenhilfe).