I withdraw my asylum application from BAMF it's enough to send an Email or it have to be done in letter form ??
asked Jun 8, 2023 in Asylum proceedings by Hakeem | 1,576 views

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Dear Hakeem,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.
First of all, I really hope that you took the decision to cancel your asylum application carefully and ideally discussed it with a lawyer or an experienced counselling office.
I have my doubts that a simple email will be recognised by the BAMF - I believe that they request a signature for this procedure. Therefore, I recommend to send a formal letter.
Do you agree with me dear @mbeon-

In any case, please don't hesitate to get back to us with any further questions.

All the best,

answered Jun 11, 2023 by Meike
It was my lawyer who proposed the idea of withdrawing my asylum to apply for a residence permit. I myself even went to the Auslanderbehörde and asked the woman about my case and what she told was I need to be in duldung inorder to apply for a residence permit 104c or 25b and I asked her if I happen to withdrawa my asylum do I need to be scared about deportation and her respon was no I should not be scared I need the duldung first inorde to make any application. Until now I have no response from bamf otherwise my lawyer would have told me and she's the one who wrote bamf about the withdrawal..
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