Yes he is right, when you have an entry ban? You definitely can't apply for a visa, you have to wait and I don't know how you came to Germany, if you entered Germany with a visa then unfortunately Germany should record your passport number, I don't know if your country, if you get a new passport does it put the old one's number on the new passport? But if say, you came to Germany without a visa, then Germany only has your Eurodac fingerprints, so in this case you can wait until the ban is lifted after three years, go to the embassy and apply for a visa and say you have never been to Europe, and can only take your chances that way, because I have researched Europdac for a long time, and in general only the people from the Dublin procedure, the German authorities and the Bamf and the Bundespolizei only **** at that fingerprint, you apply for a visa they generally don't **** at that Europdac fingerprint, so if you're entering Germany on a visa then unfortunately you have to wait five years, five years they remove the fingerprints and you have to say that you've never been to Europe, and it can only be that way, theBecause in my experience, unless you have an inseparable family relationship on the German side, as an example, such as a marriage in Germany, it's almost impossible for a rejected asylum seeker to apply for a visa again to come to the EU