Is it possible to get clear information about the Opportunity Card Visa (Chancenkarte)?

1. If someone is living inside the EU with a work permit as a non-EU national and has a valid job offer, or if they find a job while on a visiting visa (Schengen tourist visa), is it transferable to a work permit?

2. The new visa is point-based. Sometimes 6 points can be achievable even without German language skills. Will it be possible to find a job without knowing German, except in the IT field?

3. Once you are on an Opportunity Card Visa, if you find any kind of job, whether skilled or unskilled, not related to previous experience or academic qualifications, will it be possible to change it to a German work permit?

4. For example, if a non-EU student with a student permit in Latvia is on holiday in Germany and finds a job offer, will it be possible to transfer to a German work permit under the new rules effective from June 1st onwards?
asked Jun 2 in Information & Offers by Coop | 310 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Coop

To answer your questions:

1. You describe two different situations. If a non-EU national is living in another EU country and has a job offer in Germany, then they must apply for a work visa from the German embassy in that country.

If the person is in Germany on a Schengen visa as a visitor and finds a job, it is very difficult to transfer from a Schengen visa to a work permit. It is a decision that is at the discretion of the immigration authorities (Ausländerbehörde). It is only possible in cases where the possibility of a job and the wish to stay in Germany to work came after the person comes to Germany. The person will have to convince the authorities that they were genuinely in German as a visitor (i.e. not coming to **** for work) and the job opportunity just presented itself. Otherwise, the authorities will assume the person is using a Schengen visa to get around the more lengthy process of first getting the appropriate work visa for entering Germany.

2. There are jobs available in Germany without knowledge of German. Aside from the IT sector, the main ones which come to mind are teaching in English at an international school or university or working in a major international company.

3. While on the Opportunity Card, a person can work part-time (up to 20 hours a week) in any kind of job. They stay on the Opportunity Card. Only if they find a skilled job can they change to a work permit.

4. In the example you give, I do not see what the relevance of the new rules are. The person can apply for a work permit or an opportunity card at the German embassy in Latvia. If they come without such a visa, the situation from my answer to question 1 applies.



answered Jun 14 by mbeon-Éanna
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