Hello, Im asylumseeker in Germany and I had recently an EU citizenship granted. I want to know how can I change my status from Asylumseeker to EU citizen. Vielen Dank.
asked May 25 in Asylum proceedings by ElGenial | 671 views

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Hi @ElGenial

You can withdraw your application and at the same time inform the authorities that you are a citizen of an EU country. You should include evidence of your EU citizenship. If you need assistance doing this, the service you need is called ‘asylum procedure advice’ (in German ‘Asylverfahrensberatung’). This is provided by different organisations in different parts of Germany. You might not find this specific service where you are. Otherwise you can go to the more general social workers for asylum seekers where you are (usually called something like ‘Flüchtlingssozialarbeit).

Please be aware that once your asylum application is ended or withdrawn, your temporary paper ‘Aufenthaltsgestattung’ will no longer be valid and you will no longer be entitled to the asylum seeker benefits (Asylbewerberleistungen) from the Sozialamt. For EU citizens the access to state benefits is extremely limited until the person starts working in Germany. You will no longer have your health insurance costs paid for. If you are currently provided with accommodation from the city authorities, you will have to move out and are expected to either find your own place or avail of the local services for homeless people. They may, however, allow you some time to organise this.



answered May 30 by mbeon-Éanna
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