Hi @Coop
You wrote the following: As per auslanderbehörde until he get approval he can start working.
You also write that he has been working for the past three months.
I understand this to mean that he was given approval to work before his application was processed. Is this the case and in what way was this communicated? Was he issued with a paper called a ‘Fiktionsbescheinigung’ with something on it like ‘Beschäftigung gestattet/ erlaubt’?
If so, it would be highly unusual. I am only aware of it applying in the case of Ukrainians applying for temporary protection here and who are given the right to work already when issued with their Fiktionsbescheinigung.
He can only be issued a work permit for qualified work. Does he have a qualification and is the job one that requires a qualification (at least two years Ausbildung training or study) in Germany?
To answer your specific questions:
1. Should he wait till black and white rejection from Auslanderbehörde?
He can wait or withdraw his application. I do not uderstand what is meant by 'his visa will be rejected because he has a work permit'.
2. Incase of rejection can he appl5job seeking visa from Italy embessy?
Yes, he can apply at the embassy. Here is all the information about the documents he needs:
3. What if he find another job contact which is blue card level.
The job has to be one that requires a qualification. It does not make a difference if it at Blue Card level.
4. Is there any chance for him from Chsncen karte in june. He is having valid Italian work permit. He is learning German too.
He may be entitled to a Chancenkarte if he has enough points. This article gives a good overview of how it works (in English via online translation):