
I'm sure that many of you might find my situation weird and inexplicable, but these are my circumstances.

I'm an international student in the UK, and I want to seek asylum in Germany through a transit flight from the UK to Germany. My reason is because I'm an atheist from an Islamic country. I hold no other nationalities, protected statuses, or residencies in any other country. There is a million reason why seeking asylum in Germany is necessary for me and not any other country.

My question is: Will my asylum claim be deemed inadmissible because I flew from the UK and I was a student there? Or that won't be a problem so long as I have good evidence to back my claim (I do, and I even have an international secular organization writing me a letter).

Please advise. Kind regards.
asked Mar 3 in Asylum proceedings by kda2300 | 520 views

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To those wondering, the answer turned out to be no. This is because as an international student in the UK, I have a resident permit, which allows me stay in the country. This is sufficient ground to be rejected in Germany for asylum.
answered Mar 4 by kda2300
Good luck mate
Thanks for the update, dear @kda2300! All the best for you!
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