After, my 2nd interview. I got designated to a heim. In a village 45 minutes on bicycle to Netherlands. There's no gymnasium here, two terrible Deutsch classes a week and a long hefty ride to the nearest LiDL. Connection here is very bad too. Although, I'm grateful for the accommodation and all of the services, the isolation is rejuvenating my PTSD. Is there any way that I could request to change my accomodation? The isolation is really taking a toll on my already shattered mental health.
asked Dec 11, 2023 in Home & Living by Refugee_ingermany | 491 views

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1 Answer

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Hi. Sorry you are going through this but honestly speaking this is just the beginning of everything. Best way to move to another accommodation is when you find a job and be self dependent. Without that you will be stuck there. You will need language too. All will be well.
answered Dec 20, 2023 by Simi
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