Hi @Ahmed313
Yes, it is possible if it is a permit for qualified work. If you **** at the section 16A, Abs. 1 in the German Aufenthaltsgesetz, you can read clearly in which cases it is allowed to change permits:
Während des Aufenthalts nach Satz 1 darf eine Aufenthaltserlaubnis zu einem anderen Aufenthaltszweck nur zum Zweck einer qualifizierten Berufsausbildung, der Ausübung einer Beschäftigung als Fachkraft, der Ausübung einer Beschäftigung mit ausgeprägten berufspraktischen Kenntnissen nach § 19c Absatz 2 oder in Fällen eines gesetzlichen Anspruchs erteilt werden.
The phrase in bold refers to qualified work.
The profession of engineer is one of the ‘regulated’ professions in Germany, like doctor, lawyer, architect. This means that to work as an engineer here, you need to have your qualification recognised. The office responsible is the regional authority of Münster (as you are resident in Bottrop) and here the process is explained (in English via online translation):
They need to see your original degree as well as your grades during your studies, in addition to other information.
The alternative is to **** for a position where a university degree is required but it is not specifically the job title of engineer. However, if changing to a work permit the Ausländerbehörde may still need to see your original degree.