Hi everyone, I don't  know if I can ask here about other countries besides Germany but I will try my luck. I'm Moroccan married to a Danish man i went to Denmark on a tourist visa in March and we applied for a family reunification by the end of July. We gathered all the documentation and did everything right. I was allowed to stay while they are working on the case. My husband sometimes calls them for infos about the case. And they say it's Active and they are working on it. Until we come to a shock that it's been rejected this October. And the reason is that we didn't pay the fee when we submitted the application. But the problem is we did pay the fee and we have the receipt! Unfortunately my husband didn't see their rejection email earlier they sent it to us 5 October we saw it until the 11oct. And the rejection was with a decision that I should leave the country no later than the 20th October. We  contacted them and they asked us to send them the receipt. We did, took them a few days to answer us and the answer was we can see that you paid the fee. But we don't know if they case can be opened again because the decision was already made. Each time it's a different person that answers us but last time one person told us that she doesn't have all the infos and that we should speak with their boss he will call us. He didn't call us. We waited again and alot of time was wasted until a day before my departure they said the best option is for me is to leave  in the date they mentioned because the case is not re-opened. So i should leave so i dont risque to be banned for two years from Denmark and Europe generally. I did went back home I'm actually writing this from the airport... Can anyone please give any thoughts about this or advices or what should we do? I'd really appreciate some help thanks.
asked Oct 20, 2023 in Other Questions by Yousra | 683 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @Yousra

We’re only really able to give information on matters relating to Germany here. The Danish system seems to be different, for example in that you were allowed to work while your case was being processed and the fact that your application was rejected by email. It is also generally not possible to change from a tourist visa to a residence permit, are you sure this is possible in Denmark?

After such a rejection in Germany, there is a limited time period in which such administrative decisions can be appealed.

In my view, you have two options:

  1. **** into the rules around administrative decisions in Denmark. Can the rejection be appealed? Is there a method of making a formal complaint? What time limits are in place for appealing decision, if appeals are possible.
  2. You apply for a visa for family reunification at the Danish embassy in Morocco. You can detail the situation and request that the process your application faster as a result.



answered Nov 10, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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