Dear Wefugees Team,
If I applied for family reunification visa for my wife and my underage daughter, will the A1 language certificate requirement still apply to my wife?
I am told that this requirement doesn't apply if she is applying together with an underage child because the child's Right will cover her in the process.
Please provide your analysis on this issue.

Thank you in advance.
asked Sep 18, 2023 in Other Questions by Great Man | 357 views

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1 Answer

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Dear @Great Man

Your wife and daughter will each make an application for a visa. It is not the case that your daughter’s application then automatically covers her mother coming also. As part of your wife’s application, she has to show A1 level of German.

There are exceptions to having to provide German at A1 level. However, the fact that a spouse is coming with an underage child is not one of them.

Where did you find this information about the requirement not applying? I’d be happy to have a closer **** at it if you have a source I can check out.



answered Sep 29, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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