
I live with my 83 years old Mom, early this year she got a Stroke in Germany and she was granted with an Abschiebungsverbot by BAMF, so she got a residence permit for 3 Years.

We arrived to Germany together, I had a lot of problems with my asyl procedure I received a negative decision from BAMF as manifestly unfounded, despite my first appeal at "Verwaltungsgericht" it's still pending unfortunately I'm a Duldung holder.

After the Stroke my mom lost the view in one eye, she can't hear in one ear due this issues she can live alone also she is an illiterate person, she even know how use the money.

At the moment we live in Dresden together in a shared apartament with other two women and she received a letter that said she must find an apartament to live in the next 3 months and we submit an "Antrag auf Erteilung eines Wohnberechtigungsscheines" with me as beneficiar, I tried to find help with Caritas but unfortunately due the language they didn't help me so a friend help me to fill the document and they answer me with the follow message:

"am 07.08.2023 ist Ihr Antrag auf Erteilung eines Wohnberechtigungsscheines bei uns eingegangen. Die Bearbeitung Ihres Antrages ist nur bei Vorlage aller zum Antrag gehörender Unterlagen möglich. Folgende Unterlagen sind durch Sie noch vorzulegen:

Dresden-Pass in Kopie, wenn vorhanden

Da lhre Tochter keinen Aufenthaltstitel besitzt, kann sie im Antrag nicht berücksichtigt werden. Wenn Sie einen gültigen Aufenthaltstitel besitzt, kann sie gern erneut einen Antrag stellen."

I only now that we must be determined what is their degree of disability, to then receive a disabled ausweis, however, I have no idea what to do or where to start. As I said, she can't live alone and I would like to know if you could tell me what are the steps to follow to determine the degrees of disability? Also I would also like to know what is the process that for me to be able to move in with her?

Thank you!!!
asked Sep 4, 2023 in Asylum proceedings by Florinda | 775 views

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Hello @Florinda

Firstly, you write that you currently have a pending case with the Verwaltungsgericht but also have a Duldung. Is there a reason you do not still have the other type of residence paper ‘Aufenthaltsgestattung’ when your asylum case has not been finally decided on?

Regarding the ‘Wohnberechtigungsschein’: as you do not have a residence permit, you cannot be considered as part of the application. They should, however, proceed with your mother’s application for her. Did you submit a copy of the Dresden Pass (if she has one) as they requested? Are they continuing to process her application? When she has the Wohnberechtigungsschein she can access the city’s social housing that is reserved for people on low incomes.

To get a disability Ausweis (Schwerbehindertenausweis), you make an application at the Sozialamt in Dresden. Here is more about the office responsible:


Here the process is explained:


There are special organisations that assist people with disabilities. This is called ‘EUTB’. There are several of them on offer in Dresden. I didn’t find any that are specially focused on migrants but I imagine you should be able to find one where someone speaks English.

This one has special expertise with people who have disabiltiies relating to sight and hearing:


Here are others:



There are also organisations that help migrants in Dresden. They speak English and other languages as can be seen on their websites. Their help and the help from the EUTB organisations is for free.



I recommend you ask the above for assistance with the housing issue. If you wish to live with your mother, you will have to clarify the payment of the costs with the Sozialamt (for your housing costs) and the Jobcenter (for your mother’s housing costs). Ideally you start this now so that you can **** for an apartment that can accommodate both of you. Whether you need permission from the Ausländerbehörde depends on what is written on your Duldung and whether you are obliged to live in Dresden generally or your specific residence in Dresden.

Please note the above links are in English via online translation so not all information may be translated exactly.



answered Sep 27, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
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