Hello my friend has Aussetyzung der Abschiebung Duldung and he wanted to start a german language course but schools are refusing to register him he currently resides in dresden what can he do to start a deutschkurs?
asked Mar 4, 2023 in Asylum proceedings by Samlabd6 | 554 views

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Hi @Samlabd6,

With a Duldung your friend is not entitled to take part in an Integration Course. However, in Dresden there are special courses offered for people who have a Duldung.

There are different courses depending on the level of German to be learned:

  • Deutsch Sofort: level A0 – A1
  • Deutsch Qualifiziert: level A1 – B1
  • Deutsch Beruf: level B1 – B2

I had a quick **** and found the following two schools in Dresden offering such courses (the links are in English via online translation):



I recommend your friend contact one or either of the schools to ask about taking part on a course.



answered Mar 13, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
Alright thank you
We asked both the schools you linked but unfortunately they said they are not offering a course for duldung holders. Is their any other solutions for him or another school maybe?
According to their website, they do offer the courses I described. There are a certain group of Duldung holders who cannot participate on these courses, such as those forbidden to work (Arbeitsverbot). Other Duldung holders can access these courses.

Here is another school in Dresden offering these type of courses:

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