My partner ( were not married) is a bosnian and he is in his country bcoz he already finish his 90days free visa. So its kinda difficult for us and for him to get visa to stay with us longer specially we have a child together bcoz of the reasons.
1. Me had only befristete Aufenthalt nach 18a niederlassung needs to be applied . Im qualified since im almost 7yrs just waiting for test Ergebnis for living in DE.
2. Our child didnt acquired German Citizen..
3. Were not married

So its kinda difficult for him to apply here in DE. Auslanderbehörde says he needs to apply it in his home country. But we didnt know what kind of visa to apply bcoz of the above mentioned reasons. Can some one help me and what are the requirements should we fill up or submit. Its really hard for me incase i go back to work after elternzeit bcoz im alone and even theres kinderkrippe theres no way i will live my child there whole day if i want to work full time.
asked May 20, 2023 in Home & Living by Jj061987 | 746 views

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Dear @JJ061987,

Welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again.

I am not a lawyer and every case needs to be assessed individually. However, I assume to apply for a family reunification visa can be indeed quite complicated (given the fact that you are not married and your child is not German). You may consider other types of visa for him as well (work, study, trainee programme etc.). There is a Bosnian-German migration counselling office in Sarajevo where he can get support. For  the contact details and more information on visa procedures (also in Bosnian langauge) you may see this website. Alternatively, you can consult a migration counselling office in Germany as well. Please let us know if you need help with finding one in your area.

In any case, please also don't hesitate to get back to with any further questions.

All the best,


answered May 21, 2023 by Meike
Thanks Meike for answering
Yeah he was already in german embassy in Sarjevo and join that lottery for West balkan regulation but  ofcourse like lotto man need a lot of luck to be picked. But anyway he still trying his luck to get Visa and maybe find job here in DE so he can maybe get residencenpermit through work
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