Dear @Trinity
I am sorry to read of your situation and hope we can offer some help here.
Firstly, if you still haven’t received payment from the Sozialamt, you can go there in person and request an advance payment. In German this is called ‘Vorschuss’. You tell them that you have no money (in German ‘mittellos’) and they are obliged to pay you some of your entitlements there and then in the form of cash or vouchers/cheques you can redeem at the supermarket.
The legal basis for this right is paragraph 40of the Sozialgesetzbuch I (here in online translation):
Regarding your medical situation, if you are unhappy with the treatment you are receiving, you have the option to change to a different doctor. In Germany there is a free choice of which doctor to go to. In addition or alternatively, there are special medical centres called Policlinics in certain parts of Germany. These places cannot replace the expertise you need for your specific condition but they assist individuals who have difficulty getting fair treatment in the medical system, for example foreigners. Here is an overview of where they are in Germany:
If you are discriminated against based on your disability, ethnicity or other reasons, you can contact the Federal Anti-Discrimination Office. They will assist you for free and in English:
There are also anti-discrimination advisory offices in many parts of Germany, usually called Antidiskriminerungsbüro or something similar. They can also advise you conficentially, in English and for free.
Regarding your mental health, there are special psychosocial centres which offer free counselling to foreigners in Germany. Some are specifically for refugees, some are open to all migrants here. Here is an example of the kind of work one does in Berlin:
These centres are active in addition to the standard mental health structures within the German health system. To go this latter route, you can go to a GP (Hausarzt or Hausärztin) you feel comfortable speaking with and they can refer you to mental health professionals.
If you let us know what part of Germany you are in, I can also **** to see if there are other suitable supports there. Feel free to contact us with any other questions.