Can one apply for kindergeld while holding resident permit paragraph 19d ? My kids hasn't gotten the residents permit because my partner must provide A2 and Leben In Deutschland test. I would love to thank everyone for the this wonderful opportunity and support.
asked Mar 29, 2023 in Money by MIKE 130 | 402 views

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1 Answer

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Hi @MIKE 130,

From my reading of the law on Kindergeld, with the resident permit 19d you are entitled to it. The law only refers to the residence status of the parent and does not make reference to the child having to have a particular type of residence permit or any at all. Apply for it with your local Familienkasse. If the Familienkasse make any issue of the fact that your children do not have residence permits, request that they provide you with the legal basis for questioning this.



answered Mar 31, 2023 by mbeon-Éanna
Thanks very much Èanna, I will see it works and I will give feedback for further information.  
Have a nice weekend.
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