Dear @Halil,
Welcome to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us.
I am not sure if I totally understood your situation - it seems to be a bit complicated. In case I got things wrong, please don't hesitate to get back to me.
It is hardly possible to estimate someones chances to get accepted as a refugee without knowing the individual situation in detail. The only thing I can say is, that it won't be easy to convince the authorities (the BAMF) that living in Turkey (as Turkish citizen) is too dangerous - i.e. life threatening for you.
Regarding your second question: As we also discussed here, for instance, the religious (islamic) marriage is not recognised in Germany and you can not simply "register" it. You need to marry at the registry office (Standesamt) to officially register a marriage. This, however, does not necessarily depend on your status - I never heard of any new laws prohibiting a certain group to marry. In general, you can also marry during the asylum procedure. However, the procedure is quite bureaucratic and many people struggle to provide all required documents. Please see our blog on this topic for more details.
As an offical spouse of someone holding a permanent residence permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis), you are able to receive a residence permit as well. Please keep in mind that you and your spouse need to prove that you are able to cover your both' costs of living without any support by the state (social money).
Do you agree with my explanations dear @mbeon-fardeen and/or is there anything you may want to add?
I hope this helps and all the best,