Hi @Faga,
thanks for your question, which is undoubtedly interesting for many of our readers.
Here comes some additional information:
welcome to our community and thank you for your interesting question.
In order to obtain a residence permit according to § 104c residence act,
Applicants in general have to meet the following conditions:
- Being a holder of a „Duldung“ when applying
- Must have been in Germany for at least five years at Oct 31rd 2023 without interruptions (longer than three months)
- Commitment to the free democratic basic order
- No conviction for an intentional crime; fees up to 50 days for minor crimes or up to 90 days for crimes which can only be committed by strangers are legally innocuous
- Did not provide any false personal data (about identity or nationality in order to avoid deportation).
I hope these further annotations are useful.