Hello guys,
I did my B1 last year and just finished, I really wanted to do Ausbildung but on the other hand I'm also in need of money.

My question is the following: will still have the chance to do Ausbildung even after I worked a full time job for a whole year?
Can I work for a year then do Ausbildung?
asked Jan 2, 2023 in Work by Smart Djaba | 600 views

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Hello and welcome back to the Wefugees Community!

If I remember correctly from your last question, you came to Germany via the so-called resettlement process, right? I assume you are holding a residence permit according to section 23 (4) of the German Residence Act?

With this residence permit, you are totally free in your decisions. In general, it always makes sense to make an "Ausbildung" (vocational training) to professionalize your skills and to be able to work in more qualified (and better paid) jobs.

However, as part of the "Ausbildung" the trainees/apprentices are going to a school (with subjects taught in German/exams to write in German) as well. With your B1 skills you are already on a very good way. Sometimes employers may also require a minimum level of B2 as the school can be quite challenging.

To sum up, it is a bit difficult to tell when might be the best timing for you to make the "Ausbildung" - especially without knowing your personal circumstances well. In any case, working in a full-time job for a year before applying for a vocational training programme is definitely possible. Maybe you can make the "Ausbildung" even in the same company/with the same employer?

I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to get back to us if you want to discuss this further or if you have any other questions.

All the best,

answered Jan 6, 2023 by Meike
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