Hallo, Guten Morgen :) my name is arie, my fiance has been granted with subsidiary protection in Germany last February. I am now trying to apply for a job in Germany (my fiance is from Yaman and i'm from Malaysia). I am a degree holder in Chemistry and is looking for a job in Germany to join my fiance where we are planning to get married. However i have received phone calls from the companies i applied told me that i need to have a resident in Germany prior to the job application. May I know how can i find companies that can help me to get the German work permit from Malaysia. Ranstadt is one of the most useful website i found so far as i received the response from all companies i applied (even though still not yet been accepted due to my residency)

Thank you so much..
asked Jun 3, 2022 in Work by anonymous_ | 778 views
Dear @Arie, welcome back to the Wefugees Community and thank you for reaching out to us again. I'm going to link our expert and dear colleague @mbeon-fardeen, maybe he can have a **** at your question and get back to you shortly with an advise. Best regards, Julia

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Dear @Arie,

thanks for sharing your question with the Wefugees Community.

Actually the employers can usually help you with that. The employer can get in touch with the Foreigners' Office (Ausländerbehörde) of the city, where you want to live and work and take an agreement of the Foreigners' Office and the Employment Agency about your possibility of working with your qualification in that city and in that field. This makes your job easier to apply for a visa in German embassy in your country. However, to make your job easier, you can refer to the website of the Make it in Germany (here: https://***.make-it-in-germany.***/en/) and see what is the right and easiest procedure. This Website also have some job announcements for people like you, who apply for jobs from abroad. In addition, they have a Hotline, in which they advise you about job search, work and careers, your entry and residence in Germany and so on. Here is the link for their hotline: https://***.make-it-in-germany.***/en/service/contact-us/hotline. If you have more questions, you can have a **** at my profile and see how you can get in touch with me directly.

Best wishes,

Fardeen Noori

answered Jun 7, 2022 by mbeon-fardeen
Thank you very much for your quick reply dear @mbeon-fardeen!
You are welcome, dear colleague @Julia.Wefugees
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